Anachronism by Jennifer Lee Rossman

I really enjoyed this one. The general tone and pacing make for a fun, almost frenetic read, and the main character is just adorable with her sass and attitude.
The story starts with a self-professed time traveller turning up in a supposedly impregnable vault and asking to speak with the president. However, the president he wants to speak to hasn’t been elected yet and is actually having a less than stellar eighteenth birthday. Once the two characters get together the craziness just explodes outwards from there.
Despite its short length, there’s a lot packed into this story, and for once I can honestly say I didn’t wan to put this one down. It had me gripped all the way through to an ending that certainly wasn’t what I expected.
A very strong four and a half stars for this one, and further evidence if needed of the quality of work being put out by the small presses these days.