Writing News : Fight Like a Girl, Vol 2

So anyone who’s been keeping up with me on social media will know that not so long ago I sold a short story to an upcoming anthology. Specifically, it’s the second volume of stories to be released under the Fight Like a Girl title, the first of which managed to get itself short-listed for a British Fantasy Award back in 2017.
Well, Volume 2 has finally got itself a release date, and I can happily reveal the cover to you. And it’s a glorious cover indeed.

Isn’t that lovely? The artwork’s by Oisinn McGann, who I think has really captured the spirit of the anthology perfectly.
This anthology, compiled and edited by Joanne Hall and Roz Clarke, brings together eleven brilliant stories by some of the finest women authors in the SFF field right now, including entries by K T Davies, Juliet E McKenna, Cheryl Morgan, Anna Smith Spark, and Danie Ware. Oh, and there’s one by me in there as well. Talk about standing on the shoulders of giants.
The book is due out from Wizard’s Tower Press on 21 November, and is available to pre-order in ebook format now, with the print edition hopefully not too far away. I’ll update this post as links become available. And if you’re going to be at BristolCon on 27 October, some of the authors will be there doing readings and signings and generally being the awesome writerly types that they are.
So, if you like short fiction featuring women who came to kick ass and take names, you might want to have a look at this one when it hits the shelves next month.
Personally, I’d like to extend my sincerest thanks to Jo, Roz, and Cheryl at Wizard’s Tower, for bringing this wonderful volume to life and making me a happy li’l writer.
Where to buy Fight Like a Girl, Vol 2:
ebook : Amazon UK || Amazon US || Barnes & Noble || Kobo
paperback : Amazon UK || Waterstones
You can also find (and review) the book on Goodreads.